
Acetaminophen and children: Why dose matters

What happens if the acetaminophen dose is too much?

Too much acetaminophen can cause stomach irritation within hours and liver damage within a few days.

If you're concerned about a possible acetaminophen overdose or notice early signs or symptoms of an overdose — nausea, vomiting, lethargy and right upper abdominal pain within 24 hours — call Poison Help at 800-222-1222 in the United States or seek emergency care. If possible, note the strength or concentration of acetaminophen in the product to help poison control or the emergency responders assess your child. If you seek medical help, take the medication bottle with you.

In the hospital, a child with an acetaminophen overdose will have a blood test to determine if the concentration in his or her blood is toxic. If necessary, an antidote might be given to reverse the effects of the acetaminophen.

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